

somatics & Sex

the place where exploring your body is the answer

& frankly, it’s fun as hell


I think of Somatics as the intelligent connection between the mind & body. & Sex...this is more powerful, holy, & GOOD than we were lead to believe. Both have been my path to wholeness. LADYLOVE began in 2023 as an online space for formerly shame driven creative ass women (read my story below) to chat all things bodies, intimacy & sex. We came together as curious kittens to practice somatic exercises & share sexy secrets. I joined LIVE from Bali, Portland, & South Carolina sharing tidbits of my saucy journey & indulging in yours. 

BUT We want more. To learn. To practice. To play. We want to come face to face with all the possibilities our bodies can lead us to experience. Hot & Holy.

A growing desire hear from both experts & everyday body explorers. If you follow me on IG you know I have particularly interesting friends. & you know I'm meeting fascinating humans on my current travel around the globe. I wanted to bring joy, hope & inspiration to each of you & AHAH I had the idea of a LIVE podcast. OMG I'm beyond myself. Meet, Ladylove Edition 2. A 30 minute guest speaker & a 30 minute  connection/conversation after. Each guest will bring their stories of finding love, reconnection & healing through their bodies or sexual liberations. They will leave us with delicious practices of reconnection to the mind & body. You will leave knowing that YOU can safely explore, expand & open to felt sense of love through your body. The doors have been closed to new members 

LADYLOVE is re-OPEN for you to join. We meet the final Tuesday of each month at 12pm EST. You can join live or watch the replay. Join a group of women who are saying YES to trust, YES to their dreams, & YES to desire. Get a monthly pump up so you can remember your power.

The line up

Allie Monday, Your host

Jan 30, Cailin McDuff, Vulva Stroking

March 26, Faith Laux, Using pleasure through stage 4 cancer

April 30, Mary Lofgren, The Parasympathetic Witch

Feb 27, Rachel Zitin, The Italian Landscape of Love

Jan 2, Callie & Chris, Disability Sex Advocates

  • Ladylove reminds you of your goodness

  • an education, inspiration & an hour

  • a live podcast w/ both experts & everyday explorers

  • ladylove is a tool to catalyze living the life that actually fucking interests you

lets lay our overhanging breasts on the belly of the world & breathe

I’m Allie. I’ve been unwinding from shame since 2016 (non coincidentally this is the year I started Ladygroove) when I finally had ENOUGH of living in pain & suffering. Self responsibility is so HOT. Boredom & Frustration were my guiding lights.

I was unsatisfied with my sex life. Steeped in the residuals of unprocessed pain. My body ached to move, shake, & moan. But fear, my upbringing, and religiosity kept me from expressing. I was repressed as hell. Until one day (& many many moments since then) I told the proverbial snake around my neck “go ahead and kill me. I surrender.” Deconstruction & a decade of therapy was a great start but  Somatics & Sex have been the true catalysts for living the incredibly creative life of my dreams. I'm in awe, daily. 

My body was never a burden. She is smart as a whip (& I dont mean this killer brain I’ve got..I mean my gut knowing). I have such an intimate relationship with my body. I trust her. I am safe inside of her even when circumstances are challenging. & After getting divorced 4 years ago I began creating the sex life I KNEW existed. The level of connection, healing, & intimacy I experience is even better than I thought. & truly, it just keeps getting better.

You won’t be the same after Ladylove, 2024.

 LL begins on zoom Tuesday Jan 2, 2024 @7:30pm EST                                                                                         & will resume on the final Tuesday of every month

Let’s talk about sex baby


  • Yep. Sent out on Wednesdays after the LIVE on Tuesday evenings 7:30pm EST

  • Yep. Sure can. You can cancel by logging into your membership account and cancelling. You don’t need to email me. I will receive a notification & your access will be lost within 2 days of your cancelling. But we always welcome you back :)

  • To keep a consistent group of folks & to keep myself from being inside of a perpetual launch I will open and close the joining during certain times of the year. You can cancel anytime but you can’t join anytime. The final day to join this go around is January 20th, 2024.